Why would my child see a Chiropractor?
Chiropractic techniques can address musculoskeletal pain and dysfunction kids can experience just like adults.
A low impact fall from a safe height during playtime or exercise might cause back pain that your child has trouble articulating. In these instances chiropractic may be beneficial, in association with other health practitioner management as required.
Is Chiro for kids the same as for adults?
Chiropractors utilise skill, not force to care for our patients, young and old, ensuring the highest levels of safety and effectiveness.
All chiropractic care we offer is individually tailored to suit the age and development of the child once a thorough assessment is completed.
All risks and plans for care are discussed with caregivers to ensure they remain informed at all stages and can provide informed consent and given the opportunity to ask questions along the way.
How does a Chiropractor work?
Your chiropractor works collaboratively alongside other health professionals to play an important role in keeping track of your child's development, motor skills, and wellbeing via thorough individual assessments that are reviewed regularly to ensure care provided is suitable for the child.​​
How are Chiropractors trained?
Chiropractors are trained and qualified in the diagnosis, management and prevention of mechanical disorders of
the musculoskeletal system, and the effects of these disorders on the function of the nervous system and general health.
A chiropractor gains qualification from a five year program from a recognised university or college, to then become government registered and regulated health care professionals.